
Friday's Laws audiobook

NEWLY RELEASED audio version of Friday's Laws, read by the author, with bonus content. Available through iTunes for iOS or Mac or Audible for all devices. 

In 1 — 2 — 3 — 4. PAUSE.-3.png

Distress Reduction Exercise — audio download

NEWLY RELEASED your audio guide to reducing distress, even in the face of stress, read by the author. Listen to it in full (22 minutes), or take what you need when you need it: the 4-6 breathing exercise (3 minutes) or a focus on any one of the eight Friday’s Laws. Provided as a direct digital download you can save and listen to on your phone or computer.

Find the FREE companion PDF here.



Friday's Laws eBook

Your guide to becoming normal when you're not staying normal when you are — by balancing your brain and understanding Friday's 8 Laws of Effective Thinking.

Available on iBooks for iOS and Mac or Kindle app for all devices.



Keep Friday's Laws close at hand for quick reference. Available in stacks of 10. 



Friday's Laws glass print

Display Friday's Laws in vivid color, printed directly on glass. Includes stand. Will be printed on demand and sent to you directly from the manufacturer, Fracture.
